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Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights?

If you are a grandparent, you may have all sorts of concerns related to your grandchild, such as how they are performing in school. However, it can be particularly upsetting if you are unable to spend time with them, which may occur for different reasons. If you are going through this and reside in Salt Lake City, you may wish to familiarize yourself with grandparents’ rights and the laws in Utah.

grandparents’ rights

Depending on the nature of your situation, you may be able to obtain visitation rights as a grandparent. However, remember that courts will take a child’s best interests into consideration before deciding whether or not a maternal or paternal grandparent should have visitation rights. If you are a grandparent who is pursuing visitation rights, it is vital for you to understand some of the factors that courts will assess when determining whether visitation will serve the best interests of your grandchild.

Whether you are concerned that your relationship with your grandson or granddaughter will be negatively impacted by not spending enough time with them or you have emotional pain and miss them, it is essential for you to recognize your rights as a grandparent. When working through any family law issues, you should always try to work towards end results that will serve the best interests of children.

If you are struggling with this aspect of family law or other legal matters that can have a significant impact on the lives of children and entire families, it is crucial to remain optimistic. For more on grandparent visitation, head over to our child custody page.

Contact our Salt Lake Family Law Attorneys at Just Law Utah. You can call 801-274-7000 to set up an appointment to discuss your situation.

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